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B6db references: 85176087

type Journal Article
authors Lin, C. T.; Song, G. X.; Wu, J. Y.
title Ultrastructural demonstration of L-glutamate decarboxylase and cysteinesulfinic acid decarboxylase in rat retina by immunocytochemistry
journal Brain Res
ui 85176087
year (1985)
volume 331
number 1
pages 71-80.
keywords Animal
abstract The gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) synthesizing enzyme, L-glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), and the taurine synthesizing enzyme, cysteinesulfinic acid decarboxylase (CSAD) have been localized in rat retina at the ultrastructural level by indirect immunoelectron microscopy. GAD immunoreactivity (GAD-IR) was seen only in some amacrine cells and their terminals. CSAD immunoreactivity (CSAD-IR) was found in most retinal neuronal types and their processes including photoreceptor cells (rod and cone cells), bipolar cells, amacrine cells and ganglion cells. The GAD-IR positive amacrine terminals have been found to make synaptic contact with other GAD-IR negative bipolar and amacrine terminals, and ganglion cell dendrites. Most of the GAD-IR positive terminals are presynaptic. Occasionally, GAD-IR positive amacrine terminals are postsynaptic to another amacrine terminal or ganglion cell body. In the inner plexiform layer, CSAD-IR positive amacrine terminals also make synaptic contacts with other nerve terminals, similar to that of GAD-IR positive amacrine terminals. In addition, CSAD-IR positive bipolar terminals make synaptic contact with some CSAD-IR positive as well as negative amacrine terminals. Both CSAD- IR positive amacrine and bipolar terminals are mostly presynaptic to other CSAD-IR negative terminals. In the outer plexiform layer, CSAD-IR was found to be associated with synaptic vesicles and the synaptic membrane in certain cone pedicles and rod spherules. It is concluded that only a fraction of amacrine cells in rat retina may use GABA as a neurotransmitter. The presence of CSAD-IR in some amacrine, bipolar, photoreceptor and ganglion cells in rat retina is compatible with the notion that taurine may play some important roles, such as those of neurotransmitter or neuromodulator in mammalian retina.
last changed 2002/11/12 16:17

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