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B6db families: ind4

Activity ind4
Description Arginine 2,4-dioxidase (1.3.3.-)
Notes Family related to MppP (L-Arginine γ-hydroxylase(α-Deaminating)and RohP.
PLP Fold Type I
PLP-dependent Domain
Domain alignment
Domain hmm
Fold type I

Number of sequences 2
Sequences in seed alignment
BacteriaWP_051765546 (Streptomyces sp. NRRL F-5135); AJT38685 (Streptomyces griseus subsp. griseus);

DISPLAY: Fasta format, alignment, hmm, hmm_local

Reference sequence AJT38685
Domain interval 16-367
Catalytic site 217 K
 Du YL, Singh R, Alkhalaf LM, Kuatsjah E, He HY, Eltis LD, Ryan KS (2016) A pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzyme that oxidizes an unactivated carbon-carbon bond Nat Chem Biol 12 194-9.

 Du YL, Alkhalaf LM, Ryan KS (2015) In vitro reconstitution of indolmycin biosynthesis reveals the molecular basis of oxazolinone assembly Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112 2717-22.

Articles on ind4
last changed 2018/02/27 13:17

B6db families